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Can Kids Have Halitosis?

A young boy plugging his nose and sticking his tongue out

Chronic bad breath can affect people of all ages, even small kids. Mints, gum, and mouth sprays will help to mask the problem, but won’t rid the mouth of the bacteria that causes the odor. Chronic bad breath in kids can be embarrassing and isolating. Luckily there are a few easy ways for you to make sure your kids avoid halitosis!

Helping Kids Avoid Halitosis

Below are a few simple ways to make sure your child’s mouth Is clean and his breath is fresh:

  • Brush Every Day – When you’re brushing your child’s teeth (or supervising him brushing on his own), make sure the gums are being brushed as well. Bacteria may hide around the gum line, causing gingivitis and bad breath. Brush at least twice a day for two minutes at a time, and with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Avoid Smelly Foods – Obviously, the things we eat contribute to the way our breath smells. Sugary foods can also cause bad breath. To help combat this problem, help your child eat less sugar and chew sugar-free gum.
  • Use a Tongue Scraper – A tongue is exactly the moist, warm environment that allows bacteria to thrive. Using a tongue scraper helps remove the bacteria from the tongue and goes a long way towards avoiding bad breath. Disposable tongue scrapers are used to scrape the tongue gently from back to front.
  • Visit the Dentist – No matter how clean you’re able to keep your child’s teeth at home, there are certain substances that can only be removed with a trip to our office. Your child should visit our office at least every 6 months for a checkup and a cleaning.

Properly caring for your children’s teeth will not only help freshen their breath but will also keep their whole mouths healthy! To make an appointment for your child’s regular dental cleaning and exam, please contact Piedmont Pediatric Dentistry located here in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Posted on Mar 23, 2020
Image Credit: ©



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