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Social Media, Texting, and Raising Children With Good Social Skills

Social media

Social media and texting have become an integral part of our lives in today's digital age. While they offer several benefits, they can also harm children's social skills if used excessively. As parents, it is essential to strike a balance between technology and real-life interactions to help your children develop good social skills.

This blog will discuss the impact of social media and texting on children's social skills and ways to raise children with good social skills.

The Impact of Social Media and Texting on Children's Social Skills

Excessive use of social media and texting can negatively affect children's social skills in several ways, including:

Reduced Face-to-Face Interaction:

When children spend most of their time on social media and texting, they have limited opportunities to interact with people face-to-face. This lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to a lack of essential social skills, such as communication and empathy.

Impaired Social Development

Social media and texting can be addictive and take up a significant amount of children's time. When children spend too much time on these platforms, they may not have enough time to engage in physical activities, play with their peers, and develop essential social skills.

Ways to Raise Children with Good Social Skills

Encourage Real-Life Interactions

Encourage your children to engage in real-life interactions with their peers, such as playing outside, joining sports teams, or attending social events. These activities can help them develop social skills and improve their communication skills.

Limit Screen Time

Set a limit on your children's screen time, including social media and texting. This will help ensure they have enough time to engage in physical activities and develop good social skills.

Be a Good Role Model

As a parent, being a good role model for your children is essential. Demonstrate good social skills, such as listening actively, respecting others' opinions, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental visits can also be crucial to your children's social skills development. Regular check-ups and cleaning can help keep children's oral health in good condition, boosting their confidence and self-esteem and improving their social skills. If you’re searching online for a “kids’ dentist near me” or a “pediatric dentist near me,” you can visit a Summerfield Pediatric Dentistry Clinic.


Social media and texting can harm children's social skills if used excessively. As parents, finding a balance between technology and real-life interactions is essential to help our children develop good social skills. Encourage real-life interactions, limit screen time, be a good role model, and promote regular dental visits to raise children with good social skills.

Posted on Mar 13, 2023
Image Credit:

File ID 31471857 | © Pressureua |



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