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3 Common Dental Mistakes Parents Make With Their Children

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Do you know that 42% of children between the ages of 2 to 11 have had cavities in their baby teeth? This is because most parents are falling short when it comes to oral hygiene.

Three dental mistakes parents make with their children that should be avoided at all costs

  • Waiting for Baby Teeth to Sprout Before Starting to Clean Them: Children like to put everything in their mouth and bite and chew on whatever they can. This starts happening way before their first baby tooth even sprouts. The bacteria from these random objects can mix with their saliva, leading to cavities and other dental issues. To prevent this, parents should massage gums with a clean cloth or special tooth thimble. It is also important to supervise their oral hygiene until they’re at least 8 years old to ensure they’re brushing properly.
  • Putting Your Baby to Bed with a Bottle: Is it common for your baby to fall asleep with a feeding bottle in their mouth that stays there long after they’ve dozed off? Not only do formula, milk, and juices elevate the sugar and bacteria level in the baby’s mouth, but they keep it up for an extended period. This can lead to various dental issues. Always remove the bottle as soon as the child is done and clean their mouth with a wet cloth. If the child wakes up in the middle of the night demanding milk, make sure to clean their mouth again after feeding it to them.
  • Delaying Dental Appointments: Many children do not have their first dental appointment until they are 2 to 3 years old, and cavities have already started forming in their mouth. Ideally, you should start taking your child for regular dental appointments as soon as they turn 1 ½ or 6 months after their first baby tooth sprouts – whichever comes first.

If you live in Summerfield, Oak Ridge, Forest Valley, or Friendly Acres, and haven’t started taking your child to a pediatric dentist yet, consider visiting Piedmont Pediatric Dentistry.

Posted on Mar 22, 2021
Image Credit: File ID 20000167 | © Skypixel |



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